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Definitions, Tips, and Tricks

Help overlays

The first time you log in to riteplanning.com, overlays on all the primary pages point out important features. Each overlay has a close button, but you can click anywhere on the screen and the overlay will vanish. If you want to see these overlays again, click on the small question mark symbol just to the right of the NRSV Bible tab at the top of the screen.


copy-to-clipboard icon

The clipboard is a “temporary storage” area for content you’d like to use while you’re logged in to riteplanning.com. With each piece of content in the Library and search result on the Music page, you’ll see the copy-to-clipboard icon pictured above. Click this icon to add the item to your clipboard. You can add as many pieces of content to your clipboard as you need. When you’re in the Planner, you can add your clipboard items to your worship plans. Clipboard items are saved only during your session, so when you log out of riteplanning.com, your clipboard is emptied.

Content Icons

This set of icons appears throughout riteplanning.com and provides a way to quickly access content relevant to individual lectionary events. Hovering over an icon produces a tool tip that indicates where the icon leads: the book opens Day Texts, the musical notes open Music material, and the framed picture goes to Visuals content.

Hymnal Abbreviations

These abbreviations are used throughout riteplanning.com:

  • H: Hymnal 1982 Hymns
  • S: Service Music from Hymnal 1982
  • WLP: Wonder, Love, and Praise
  • LEVAS: Lift Every Voice and Sing II
  • VF: Voices Found
  • MHSO: My Heart Sings Out
  • EOM1: Enriching Our Music 1
  • EOM2: Enriching Our Music 2

Personal Settings

Making changes to your personal settings will not affect plans and templates that have already been saved. Thus, you can plan and save special services under different personal settings than you use for a typical worship service.

Planning Even More Quickly

If you use riteplanning.com for gathering content to use in your bulletin each week, here are a couple ways to do that even more quickly:

  • Create a template with your typical worship elements. Set all of the Portion to Download choices so your download only has what you need for your bulletin or projection (notice that you can set the Portion to Download to None). In your weekly work, use this template. All you have to do is pick the hymns and you’re done!
  • Create a template with only the elements you want to download. Just cut out everything that stays the same from week to week, and your download will be even better than the Day Texts for providing just the variable content you need.


riteplanning.com supports the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL), which is used by most Episcopal churches and a great many other mainline churches, and the Book of Common Prayer Lectionary. Within the RCL, the “gospel-related” track of the RCL is shown first, but you can choose the “semicontinuous” track of Old Testament readings and associated psalms in any of your plans.

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