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Visual content is provided for the lectionary day shown on the Lectionary Banner.  Use the calendar on the left to change the lectionary day. There are three tabs of content on the Visuals page. The tab whose content is currently being displayed is green.

Clip Art, shown above, includes images from the Icon 1, Icon 2, Icon 3, Icon 4, and Icon 5 collections. Each collection features are by a different artist or group of artists, for an entire cycle of the RCL plus other general-purpose images.

PowerPoint® Slides provides images from the Icon 2 collection.



To search the Visuals library for material other than that directly associated with the lectionary day in the Lectionary Banner, enter a term or terms in the Search Visuals Library box, fill in at least one checkbox, and click on the “Go” button.


To see all of the images in one of the Visuals library’s collections, click on its name in the Visuals Collections box. The Bible Maps are those from the Lutheran Study Bible, published by Augsburg Fortress (the host for riteplanning.com). That collection is accessible only via the Visuals Collections and Search Visuals Library boxes.

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